Monday, October 12, 2009

Summer fun

Summer Fun

Yes, I am finally posting pictures from this summer. That should give me a hint at how crazy my life is. But, we have done some fun things and I wanted to share them.

Fish Lake Hike
We went on a family hike up to Fish Lake, way up past Salmon la Sac. Lily is on Chris's back in the picture. The kids were troopers, me...not so much. We saw a lot of beautiful wildflowers.

Bison Ranch

Haley, CJ and I went to a Bison Ranch and got to feed and pet the Bison. They're so huge, and a bit stinky!

Art Camp
Haley and CJ did an art camp at a local museum and had a lot of fun painting and making prints. We went by a few weeks later and they each had a piece displayed in an exhibit. They were very proud.

We went to Seaside with the Taylor side of the family for the 4th of July. We all stayed in a big house by the beach and actually had good weather.

The fireworks were amazing! All the people around us on the beach were lighting off theirs so we couldn't even see the big show put on by the city. But man, we were IN the show.

Haley loved making 'smores. Yummy.

Lily's Birthday

Thompson Family Reunion
In August we went to Camano Island and had a BLAST! There was a lot of good food and the talent show and karaoke were legendary. We even took a row boat out onto the sound and almost lost our oar. Lots of memories were made.

Cute Haley and CJ. Boy, do they love their Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents!

Phil Ball
Grandpa Jeff's 80th Birthday Party was the birthplace of a new family tradition...Phil Ball. How many times can we bounce the giant ball off our heads in a row? As Haley would say, "It was Vilarious!"

Seahawks Game
It was just preseason, but it was still really fun. It was so nice to go out to a Chinese restaurant and the game with Kirk, Whitney and Bryan.

CJ didn't get to go last year because he was too little. He was so excited and had so much fun. He even got his hat signed by the cowboy who won the bull riding.

When Haley grows up she wants to be a Rodeo Queen. Look at what living in Ellensburg has done to us. :-)

Fair ride with cousin Jack and Aunt Stevie.

Miscellaneous Summer Pics

Haley, CJ and some friends invented a summer game called "Kid Dunk". You fill a garbage can with water, drop something to the bottom, climb in, and then dunk your whole body under to grab the thing at the bottom. They spent hours and hours doing it this summer. Who says you need lots of money to have fun? They were very creative.

We couldn't keep Lily away from the cherry tomatoes. She gobbled them up, even the green ones. Note all the seeds around her mouth.

Lily didn't slip or slide, she just sat.

Cute Lily Lou!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

ThreadLeaf Creations is up and running!

I have started selling my handmade fabric family trees on an online marketplace called  Check it out!

or you can just go to and search for my shop: ThreadLeafCreations.

Monday, March 23, 2009

New Blinds

So we got new blinds today and the best part for the kids was the bubble wrap that the blinds came in.  Haley and CJ had a blast jumping on the bubbles and popping them.  I thought Lily would be scared by the loud noise, but she wasn't scared at all.  Exactly the opposite, actually.  Check out the video.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kid talk

"Mom, it's boiling out there. I almost died, it's so hot." It's all of 55 degrees outside, and Haley is wearing her snow boots, courdoroy pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. She just finished some cookies and milk and is taking her straw outside saying, "straws are really good things to play with." C.J., of course, has to follow suit. I wonder what they will do with those straws...