Rodeo Weekend 2010
I'll be the first to admit, I'm not the most dedicated blogger, and I've missed a lot of fun times over Winter, Spring and most of the Summer. Maybe I'll get to those on here, and maybe I won't. But, we had a great time last weekend at the fair and rodeo, so I wanted to share.
We didn't know how Lily would do at the parade, but as soon as that first fire truck came around the bend she was mesmerized. Plus, you can't beat all the candy that people kept throwing at her. And Chris and I actually knew some people in the parade this year...we're starting to feel like locals.
Haley's favorite: Rodeo Queens and Princesses.
Lily LOVED seeing all the animals. She would just laugh and laugh at them, especially when the steers would moo. And she really loved seeing this "llama llama".
CJ was tall enough this year to go on the "big kid" roller coaster. I was afraid he might get motion sickness, but he seemed to really enjoy it. They both put their hands in the air almost the entire ride.
Steer Wrestling PeeWee style
CJ did the PeeWee Rodeo this year, and won first place for Bull Riding. Notice the perfect form: one hand up the entire time! He even got a trophy. Best moment of his life.
Back to school, back to reality...Haley has been planning on wearing "skinny jeans" the first day of school since the start of summer. She got her wish. I can't believe she's in 3rd grade already!
CJ was way more prepared than I thought he would be for his first day of kindergarten. On the way to school he told me he didn't want me to stay because he wanted to do it all by himself. What a relief!
I guess I spoke too soon. It's great to see your family again. They're growing up so much! It looks like they really enjoyed the rodeo and are happy to be back in school again.